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04/09/2002 Entry:
"Getting Away With It - Steven Soderbergh and Richard Lester"

I finished this book today (see previous post for more info.) I enjoyed it, but still came away with the sense that had the journal entries been replaced with more interview segments it would have been a stronger book. I'm really interested in seeing the Lester films now, even though the major ones are unavailable. And damnit, How I Won The War is available and netflix doesn't have it. Crap. So much for that idea.

One thing I thought of earlier but forgot to put in the first post is how jealous I was of Soderbergh for being able to sit down and over a course of several days be able to view all the works in a director's canon. On tape, sure, but just to have a few days to do nothing but watch the films of a certain and think about how they relate and stylistic similarities/differences. I continue to wonder if it is better to watch something pan and scan on tape than not watch it at all. I keep thinking, oh there's other things to watch that I can watch widescreen, but it interrupts the flow of my moods and what I do and don't have interest in watching. Of course with tape there is the added problem of when but thats something else entirely.

I have a ton of magazines like the new Cineaste and Independent to catch up on now.

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